Privacy statement

Who processes your data?



Haapavedintie 162

92600 Pulkkila

Contact person

Ilari Iso-Junno

+358 44 206 8370

Whose data do we process?

  • Customers
  • Potential customers
  • Users of our site

Where do we get the information?

Information about customers is obtained from the customer himself with his consent.

Information we process

We only process the information that you provide to us yourself, for example:

  • Name
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Payment information
  • Personal identification number
  • Site address

Why do we process your data?

  • To receive your payment and approval of the lease for you
  • To assist you with the rental if necessary
  • To clarify possible problems with the rental
  • To recover damages if you rent a sauna and cause damage to it

Who else processes your data?

  • Bluehost
  • Klarna
  • WooCommerce

How long we process your data

As a general rule, we process your data as long as the customer contract for which we need the data is valid.

Personal data is stored for marketing purposes for six (6) months, after which we delete the data.

Your rights

  • Right of inspection
  • Right to object
  • Ban on direct marketing
  • Right of deletion
  • Right of appeal

How we protect your data

  • We protect the internet connection (https)
  • Klarna receives your payment and protects your payment information and personal ID. 
  • We encrypt data (encryption)
  • We limit access to the register to people who need it

This is a combined Register statement and information document for Havusauna's customers, potential customers and website users in accordance with Sections 10 and 24 of the Personal Data Act (523/1999) and Articles 12 and 13 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (679/2016).

1. Registrar

See contact details above.

2. Registered

  • Customers (contact persons)
  • Potential customers
  • Website Users

3. Purpose and basis of personal data processing

RegisteredPurpose of processingProcessing basis
Customers (contact persons)Enabling contacts required by customer service and maintaining customer relationsLegitimate interest of the data controller
Potential customers and website usersContact requests, site survey responses and newsletter subscriptions come through the websiteLegitimate interest of the data controller

4. Information to be recorded in the register

The following information can be stored in the register:

  • Name
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Date of purchase
  • Booked dates

5. Duration of processing

As a general rule, personal data is processed as long as the customer contract for which we need the data is valid. We enter the information in the register as we receive it from the data subject himself, and they are updated according to what the data subject informs the controller.

6. Your rights

You have the following rights, which requests to use should be made to the address:

Right of inspection

You have the right to check the personal data we have stored about you. If you notice errors or omissions in your information, you can ask us to correct or supplement the information.

Right to object

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data at any time if you feel that we have processed your personal data illegally or that we do not have the right to process some of your personal data.

Ban on direct marketing

You have the right at any time to prohibit us from using your data for direct marketing. We will never sell or otherwise give your personal information to other parties so that they can target you with direct marketing.

Right of deletion

If you feel that the processing of some information about you is not necessary for our tasks, you have the right to ask us to delete the information in question. We will process your request, after which we will either delete your data or inform you of a justified reason why the data cannot be deleted. If you disagree with our decision, you have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Commissioner. You also have the right to demand that we limit the processing of disputed data until the matter is resolved.

Right of appeal

You have the right to file a complaint with the data protection commissioner if you feel that we have violated valid data protection legislation when processing your personal data.

7. Regular sources of information

Information about potential customers is obtained with consent from him/herself in connection with a website visit or other personal or digital interaction.

8. Disclosures of information

As a rule, information is not disclosed to outsiders for marketing purposes.

9. Data transfer outside the EU

Some of the aforementioned service providers may back up data outside the EU/EEA region to the United States. 

10. Principles of registry protection

Safe handling of your personal data is important to us. We use the following security measures to ensure the security of your information.

  • Access to the system requires entering a username and password.
  • Only certain, predefined employees of the registrar can access and have the right to use the information contained in the register stored in the system.
  • No payment information or other risky information is stored in the system.

11. Cookies

A cookie is a small text file that is saved on the user's computer when he visits the site. Cookies do not contain personal data and cannot be used to run programs or store viruses on the user's computer. Cookies are used to improve the quality of the service. Browsing pages without cookies may affect the operation of the service in such a way that some functions cannot be used (such as logging in and adding products to the shopping cart).

Cookies on this site

We may use cookies on this site for many purposes related to site functionality, analytics and marketing.

We use Google's Analytics service to monitor the site. The purpose of the tracking is to collect statistical information about, for example, the number of visitors to the page and the most popular content. You can read more about Google cookies here: Google's cookie policy. 

Cookie information helps us to improve the functionality and usability of our site.

In addition to Google cookies, our website may also contain cookies from social networks such as Facebook. These cookies collect information about, for example, users' interests, which enable us to target our communications to an audience interested in our content. You can find more information about Facebook's cookie practices here: information about Facebook cookies.

Blocking the use of cookies in the browser

If you want to block cookies, change your browser's cookie settings.

You can find more information about advertising targeting based on browser usage Your Online Choices from the website.